Spicefarm,Stonetown & Prison Island Tour

10 Hours


Experience the cultural tapestry of Zanzibar with our unforgettable Spice Farm,
Stonetown, and Prison Island Tour! Delve into the island’s rich history, immerse
yourself in the aromatic spice plantations, wander through the ancient streets of
Stonetown, and encounter the famous Giant Aldabra Tortoises on Prison Island.

Spice Farm Discovery:
Embark on a sensory adventure as we take you to the heart of Zanzibar’s spice
plantations. Explore lush green landscapes and learn about the island’s centuries-old
spice trade. Our knowledgeable guides will introduce you to a dazzling array of spices,
such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and many more. Engage your senses as you
touch, smell, and taste these exotic treasures while gaining insights into their medicinal
and culinary uses.

Stonetown Heritage:
Next, we’ll journey to Stonetown, the UNESCO World Heritage Site that captivates
visitors with its captivating blend of cultures and history. Wander through narrow
winding streets lined with intricately-carved wooden doors, reDlecting a mix of Swahili,
Arab, Persian, Indian, and European inDluences. Explore historical landmarks like the
House of Wonders, the Sultan’s Palace, and the Old Fort, each bearing tales of Zanzibar’s
past glory.

Enchanting Prison Island:
Escape to the azure waters surrounding Zanzibar as we set sail for Prison Island, also
known as Changuu Island. Once a detention center, the island is now a sanctuary for the
renowned Giant Aldabra Tortoises. Get up close and personal with these gentle giants,
some of whom are over a century old. You’ll have the unique opportunity to feed them,
and if you’re lucky, witness them roaming freely in their natural habitat


Day 1 :

Included and Excluded


  • 1. Water bottle
  • 2. Pick up & Drop
  • 3. Guide
  • 4. Entry fees
  • 5. Private boat
  • 6. Lifejacket


  • 1.towels
  • 2.Sunscreen
  • 3.Lunch
Why Choose Us?

1.Knowledgeable Guides: Our local guides are passionate storytellers, ready to share the
island’s history and traditions, ensuring you have a meaningful and insightful
2.Responsible Tourism:We believe in preserving Zanzibar’s cultural and natural
heritage. Our tours are designed to have a positive impact on the communities and
environment we visit.
3.Small Group Tours:To provide a personalized experience, we keep our tour groups
small, allowing you to connect more deeply with the places you visit.
4.Unforgettable Memories:Our Spice Farm, Stonetown, and Prison Island Tour promise
to leave you with treasured memories and a profound appreciation for Zanzibar’s
diversity and allure

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